Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Loki Crochet Pattern - GJB


Came across this Crochet pattern on Youtube! Click on the image to get to the pattern. Hope you enjoy making it if you’re a crocheter, and a Loki Fan!
Took around 24 hours to make the whole thing. But it's worth it!

~Kree Spirit

Tumblr Account! : Flaming-Diabolical-Goddess

 Hey Guys,

I've made a Tumblr account, its pretty blank atm, but it'll soon be populated with stuff!!
Click on the link or on the pic to get there :)
My account on Tumblr is called: Flaming-Diabolical-Goddess
Come say hi!

~Kree Spirit 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Break 2 weeks away


Christmas Break is fast approaching! Can't wait till it gets here, only two more weeks (for me that is)!
And The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is coming out right after that, sooooo happy! :)
Hope you guys do some fun stuff during Christmas Break!
I wish you guys an early Happy Christmas (or Hanukkah) and a Happy New Years ^_^ or at least a happy break if you don't celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah

Anyhow, tomorrow I'm going to a knitting club to work on some of my projects. Unfortunately, I don't knit that well because I just started learning, so I'll be working on my Crochet Project that I want to do. I'm going to try to make Owl Mitts crochet style. I found a pattern online, and am going to try it. This is going to be my first attempt at making them, so hopefully it turns out right....

If your a Crocheter and want to make some Owl Mitts as well I found the pattern for free on Ravelry. The pattern was made by Erika Ward, and they look amazing! Here's the link to it: Link to Owl Mitts 

~Kree Spirit

Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Blog!


I just started this blog today, and it's the first time that I have made one, so bear with me as I try to figure all this stuff out.

I  made this blog in order to write about the different projects that I'm doing in Crotchet, Cooking, etc. Basically going to post whatever I want to... I warn you now I have a bad habit of starting posting then suddenly stopping for a length of time so I apologize in advance if that happens.

Firstly, I just wanted to say Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Hope you guys enjoyed eating yummy food Thursday! Hopefully you guys have gotten your shopping done for Christmas before Black Friday, so that you didn't have to go out shopping yesterday for everything. *Shudders* I went once... it was horrible: pushing, shoving, I tried to stay clear of all the rushing people -_-
I find it ironic that we celebrate what we're thankful for one day then the next day, or the day of, go on a mad shopping spree.

Anyhow, hope you guys all have a happy thanksgiving break, and to stay safe!

~Kree Spirit